Meet our Governors


Camps Hill Primary School is part of The Claxton Trust. The Board of Trustees delegates the general responsibility for the effective management of the school to the Local Governing Body, in line with the Scheme of Delegation and Trust Improvement Strategy. The Local Governing Body acts within the framework set by national legislation and the policies of The Claxton Trust.

Governors help to decide school policy and share responsibility for the management of the school. They advise and support the headteacher and staff, working with the school to meet the needs of the children whilst ensuring that the school provides good value for money. They help the headteacher in the selection of staff and act as a link between the school and the community. 

If you are interested in being a governor, please contact the school office to find out if we have any vacancies.

If you would like to contact a governor, this can be done through the school office. Letters marked for the attention of a governor will be passed on in confidence.

Link Governors

Half-termly Governor days ensure that Governors regularly visit the school and talk to pupils, staff and families. Area of focus in the SDP are supported by a link Governor. 


Key Documents

Scheme of Delegation

Trust Improvement Strategy

The Claxton Trust Register of Business Interests



Mrs Claire Kemp, Chair of Governors  - 

Co-opted governor, appointed by the Governing Body until 31 July 2026

Responsibilities: Chair of Governors; Safeguarding (inclusing CLA, Behaviour, Attendance), Pupil Premium, Mental Health and Wellbeing (Staff)


Mrs Jenna Andrews

Co-opted governor, appointed by the Governing Body until 31 March 2026

Responsibilities: Early Years


Ms Emma Flawn

Headteacher, (ex-officio)


Mr Jake Holbrook

Co-opted governor, appointed by the Governing Body until 26 January 2026

Responsibilities: Sports Premium


Mr Nick Ottaway

Staff governor, elected by staff until 13 December 2025

Responsibilities: Equalities, Mental Health and Wellbeing (pupils)


Mrs Catherine Rodgers

Parent governor, elected by parents until 15 November 2026

Responsibilities: Health and Safety, Data Protection and Online Safety


Mrs Cheryl Coates

Parent governor, elected by parents until 23 April 2027

Responsibilities: Curriculum (Ofsted Priorities of Maths, Problem Solving, Reading and Phonics)


Mrs Coleen Houlihan

Co-opted governor, appointed by the Governing Body until 18th May 2027

Responsibilities: SEND (Inc Ofsted Priority Action)


Co-opted governor, VACANCY

Co-opted governor, VACANCY


Previous Governors

Mr Ricky Boxall, elected by staff until 7 December 2021

Mrs Naomi Norwood, elected by parents until 29 September 2023

Mrs Christine Webb, appointed by the Governing Body until 10 October 2026

Mrs Katrina Walker, elected by parents until 12 July 2025

Ms Anne-Marie O'Sullivan, appointed by the Governing Body until 15 November 2026

Mr Gordon Rumsey, appointed by the Governing Body until 1 November 2025


Governors Code of Conduct

Governors are responsible for governing the school. Most of their work takes place outside of school hours, but governors often visit the school and are linked with particular classes. Each governor is also linked to a particular subject.

As part of the Governor's role to support school improvement, all Governors are linked to a school improvement priority.


Governor Subject

Please contact the Chair of Governors if you require any advice or you wish to discuss any issues or concerns you may have. Contact with all governors is via the School Office.

Governor Attendance

Ap=Apologies                      Ab=Absent, no apologies received                   L=Arrived later in the meeting