


"A high-quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement." - Department of Education, National Curriculum

At Camps Hill our aim is to provide a music curriculum which will enable each child to reach their full potential in music, encourage children to enjoy singing, composing and performing and provide children with the opportunity to perform in front of an audience both within and outside of school.


Our curriculum is centred around ‘Charanga’, a music-based scheme, in which teachers are able to produce inclusive lessons for all children to access the musical curriculum in a fun and engaging way, further promoting a love of learning. Charanga lessons are planned in sequences to provide children with the opportunities to listen and appraise, perform, improvise and compose and share their musical learning.

Opportunities to perform in front of an audience are facilitated through whole school events, clubs and celebrations such as 'Camps Hill has got talent' and the 'whole school night at the theatre... Camps Hill Does? ' and Christmas celebrations. 

Our partnership with 'Rock Steady' enables children to access peripatetic music lessons, once a week, with a working musician. 

In our Early Years, children sing daily, and regularly have the opportunity to make music with a variety of instruments and objects, both in the indoor and outdoor environments. 

How we measure impact:

Children are able to enjoy music in as many ways as they choose – either as a listener, creator or performer. Children have the opportunity to discuss and share their own thoughts, opinions and ideas, acknowledging and respecting that these may vary and that this is positive.

Using the progression map of skills and knowledge, annually, teachers will make a judgement about whether a child is working towards, at, or beyond these age related expectations. This is recorded on our school assessment system. 

Skills Wheels





Progression Map

Camps Hill School_music_development_plan_summary_.pdf .pdf

Skills Wheels: