


At Camps Hill School we enable all pupils to become, confident mathematicians. We prepare them for their next stage of mathematical learning at secondary school, and to apply their mathematical knowledge in everyday situations in order for them to be successful in life beyond school. We do this through developing and embedding children’s fluency in all areas of the mathematics. Opportunities are provided for pupils in order for them to develop skills in calculating, reasoning and problem solving whilst applying mathematics to a variety of increasingly complex problems.


  • From Reception to Year 6, the Essentials Maths scheme is used to plan teaching and learning opportunities. 
  • The calculation policy, progression documents and HfL (Herts For Learning) documents are used by teachers to ensure full topic coverage.
  • We use Times Table Rock Stars and Number Bots to enthuse the children in learning times tables and number bonds.
  • Fluency practice is provided regularly through basic skills starter activities to ensure children’s fluency in calculation methods is embedded.
  • Learning is adapted to meet the needs of the children within the class whilst still providing each child with the opportunity to achieve the learning intentions to meet the expectations of their year group.
  • Interventions are put in place, to support children where necessary.
  • Problem solving skills are taught regularly and children are given the opportunity to apply this in real life contexts.
  • A clear success criteria is given to children so they understand the steps involved in becoming successful in their learning.
  • Mathematics 'working walls' are in each classroom to provide key information and vocabulary with modelled examples to support learning.
  • Concrete manipulatives and pictorial representations (including bar modelling) are used to support conceptual understanding.
  • Children are encouraged to challenge themselves by accessing 'Ready, Steady or Go' activities. 
  • A check it station is available for most lessons in Key Stage 2 to encourage independent learning. 
  • Resources such as ENRICH, Testbase, White Rose Maths and the Numeracy Strategy books are used to supplement the Essential Maths scheme. 
  • Numicon resources are introduced in Preschool, Nursery and Reception in both the indoor and outdoor areas. 

How we measure impact:

Maths assessments are moderated across the school, the Trust and in local clusters with other Herts schools across the year.  

Summative assessments take place termly and timetable tests across Key Stage 2 take place at leas twice a half term and are tracked.

Each term, assessments are discussed as part of pupil progress meetings and additional interventions are targeted at pupils who need to close gaps. 

Children with SEND needs have individual SMART targets, including specific mathematical goals. These are reviewed by the SENCO termly alongside the Class Teacher and shared with parents and pupils. Formative assessment is used to adapt these where required. 

 National Tasks and Tests in Maths: 

  • Reception Baseline 
  • Key Stage 1 Maths papers 1 and 2 
  • Multiplication test in Year 4 
  • Key Stage 2 Maths Papers 1,2 and 3 

Skills Wheels



Skills Wheels:







Times Tables Support
Primary maths games: Multiplication collection
This video contains three maths games; two are great for practising times table facts and the third is more challenging.0:00 Introduction, 0:15 Connect 4 multiplication 8:11 Multiplication dual, 10:07 Multiplication mix up. You don't need a lot of equipment to play these games just paper, counters, pen and a pack of cards.

Primary maths games: How to play All Change Multiplication.

A brand new Times table game. All change multiplication is a simple, fun and thought provoking game to help children rehearse their multiplication and division facts.
How to do you Times tables on your fingers x 6, x7, x8, x9
This game uses a trick to help with remembering the 6, 7, 8 and 9 times tables. These can be the most challenging of the tables for children to learn, so this provides a quick way for them to check if they have recalled the correct answer. Hope this helps. Rubber gloves are optional.