


At Camps Hill, we aim to develop an interest in learning languages in a way that is enjoyable and stimulating and encourages pupil’s confidence and creative skills. By developing their awareness of cultural differences in other countries: we inspire children’s curiosity about language and different places. 

We embed the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing necessary to enable children to ‘use and apply’ their French learning in a variety of contexts. Therefore, laying the foundations for future language learning.


Our MFL curriculum is designed to;

  • Start exposure to the French Language, through rhymes and songs, in phases prior to Key Stage 2. 
  • In Key Stage 2: progressively develop skills in languages in regular discreet sessions.
  • Offer opportunities to increasingly acquire, use and apply a growing bank of vocabulary organised around topics.
  • Encourage and support pupils to develop their speaking and listening skills through conversational work, singing activities, performance and games.
  • Offer 'WOW' experiences such as 'French day' to give pupils an experience of the French culture and food. 
  • Move towards children recording their work through pictures, captions and sentences. 

Teaching and learning is sequenced and layered based on the Rachel Hawkes scheme of work which is supported and supplemented using a variety of other resources accessed through media, apps and written texts.

How we measure impact:

We assess children against the knowledge and skills for their year group. Judgements are made about whether the pupils are working towards, at or beyond age-related expectations. At the Key Stage 2, these are recorded in our whole school assessment tracker annually. 

Skills Wheels





Progression Map

Skills Wheels: