
Religious Education


At Camps Hill we foster acceptance and develop an understanding of similarities and differences between religions. When planning for opportunities in RE we use “Key questions” to promote enquiry. Teaching and learning in RE is enhanced by using artefacts, children’s experiences and links with the community to ensure first hand, relevant and memorable learning. Well planned lessons give children opportunities to engage, investigate, evaluate and express in order for learning to be memorable.


  • Across the Trust, Discovery RE is being embedded as the chosen RE curriculum. This has been introduced in September 2021. This is based upon the 2014 National Curriculum. 
  • In the Early Years the curriculum is planned using the Discovery RE material linked with Understanding the World and Personal and Social development.
  • In KS1 and KS2 the curriculum is planned using the Discovery RE curriculum and is supported by visits to the school and within the local area.
  • In addition to RE lessons the children participate in RE assemblies linked to celebrations from a range of religions. These are linked to faiths from our community to ensure understanding and acceptance at a local level. 
  • Children are encouraged to understand and acknowledge a range of religious celebration and festivals in class and as whole school activities. 

How we measure impact:

Annually, the children are assessed against the age-related expectations for knowledge, understanding and skills and this is tracked in our assessment system. A child will be recorded as working towards, at or exceeding these expectations. 

Skills Wheels:








Religious Education


At Camps Hill we foster acceptance and develop an understanding of similarities and differences between religions. When planning for opportunities in RE we use “Key questions” to promote enquiry. Teaching and learning in RE is enhanced by using artefacts, children’s experiences and links with the community to ensure first hand, relevant and memorable learning. Well planned lessons give children opportunities to engage, investigate, evaluate and express in order for learning to be memorable.


  • Across the Trust, Discovery RE is being embedded as the chosen RE curriculum. This has been introduced in September 2021. This is based upon the 2014 National Curriculum. 
  • In the Early Years the curriculum is planned using the Discovery RE material linked with Understanding the World and Personal and Social development.
  • In KS1 and KS2 the curriculum is planned using the Discovery RE curriculum and is supported by visits to the school and within the local area.
  • In addition to RE lessons the children participate in RE assemblies linked to celebrations from a range of religions. These are linked to faiths from our community to ensure understanding and acceptance at a local level. 
  • Children are encouraged to understand and acknowledge a range of religious celebration and festivals in class and as whole school activities. 

How we measure impact:

Annually, the children are assessed against the age-related expectations for knowledge, understanding and skills and this is tracked in our assessment system. A child will be recorded as working towards, at or exceeding these expectations. 

Skills Wheels:








Religious Education


At Camps Hill we foster acceptance and develop an understanding of similarities and differences between religions. When planning for opportunities in RE we use “Key questions” to promote enquiry. Teaching and learning in RE is enhanced by using artefacts, children’s experiences and links with the community to ensure first hand, relevant and memorable learning. Well planned lessons give children opportunities to engage, investigate, evaluate and express in order for learning to be memorable.


  • Across the Trust, Discovery RE is being embedded as the chosen RE curriculum. This has been introduced in September 2021. This is based upon the 2014 National Curriculum. 
  • In the Early Years the curriculum is planned using the Discovery RE material linked with Understanding the World and Personal and Social development.
  • In KS1 and KS2 the curriculum is planned using the Discovery RE curriculum and is supported by visits to the school and within the local area.
  • In addition to RE lessons the children participate in RE assemblies linked to celebrations from a range of religions. These are linked to faiths from our community to ensure understanding and acceptance at a local level. 
  • Children are encouraged to understand and acknowledge a range of religious celebration and festivals in class and as whole school activities. 

How we measure impact:

Annually, the children are assessed against the age-related expectations for knowledge, understanding and skills and this is tracked in our assessment system. A child will be recorded as working towards, at or exceeding these expectations. 

Skills Wheels: